Installation — 3D & Motion Design — Projection Mapping

20-01-12 Basics Tensor 3D Halle mit Skulptur_Camera_a1281.jpg


[Tɛnzoːɐ̯] –  from latin tendo "I span“.

Kinetic explorations of the line behavior from physical to digital 3D world.

The multimedia project made for the Basics class at the University of Arts Berlin. The Semester topic was „lines, surfaces, spaces – kinetic explorations’’. It is divided into three cycles: Sculpture, Animation, Projection Mapping. Tensor explores ideas of tension, both physical and psychological.



The first task was to develop a set of sculptures using only two wires and a platform.

After delving into the topic of tension, I took two opposite materials: an elastic wire and a rigid one. Manipulating their behavior, each sculpture arises solely from the tension of two vectors. Either supporting one another or colliding.



Based on the sculptures the next step was bringing the concept of lines and their tension into a kinetic space.

An animation loop, which explores the tension within two forces of nature: water and fire.

The growing lines are organic and alive, in stark contrast to the frozen water. As if nature had been flipped.

Finally, the vectors freeze, becoming one again with the lifeless cube.

The cycle starts from the beginning.



The third and final cycle is transported back into the physical world.

A sculpture with many layers, faces, and mirrors acts as a canvas for a projection mapping video.

Its central theme is the tension within our mind: excitement, anger, fear, relaxation, change.

A spacial loop of life.


University of Arts Berlin, 2018
Basics class – Grundlangen des Entwerfens
"Kinetische Erkundungen"

